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This programme creates a 'What`s On' leaflet on both sides of a sheet of A4 paper.
To do this you need to know how to use the Duplex system on your printer,
Or how to print one side and put the sheet(s) back into the printer to print the other side.
If you do not know how to do this please use the 'WOLeaflet-1Page' from WHATS ON above.
Set your printer to Landscape style.
View and Print the Leaflet
After printing fold the sheet in two. This gives 4 pages with a list of up to 24 Events.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PRINTER, and would like to have some printed commercially, then you will need to convert the above to PDF format. This format is universally acceptable to all print firms and print shops. There are a number of free programmes on the internet which will convert the above, (I use BullZip myself) You can then send the pdf file to your printers as an attachment to an Email, or on a CD, DVD etc.

DOWNLOADING. The links above are written in .php which creates a leaflet which is just a Web Page.
As with all Web Pages they are written in html code, and you can print, or download or save any of them.
With the Leaflet shown on the screen, go to the menu bar at the top of the screen, and under 'File' you will see 'save','save as', 'print preview', and 'print'. But PLEASE NOTE In the downloaded files the date and the list of events will only be correct as at the date that you save it. They will not be automatically updated. For an up to date list always use the 'View and Print' above.